
Is 39 A Perfect Square

In mathematics, we might have come across different types of numbers such every bit even, odd, prime, composite, etc. However, there is a item type of number, i.eastward. a perfect square. These tin exist identified and expressed with the aid of factorisation of a number. In this article, you volition learn the definition of perfect foursquare numbers, notation, the list of these numbers betwixt 1 and 100 then on.

Perfect Squares Definition

An integer that tin can be expressed as the square of another integer is called a perfect square. In other words, information technology is divers every bit the product of some integer with itself.

perfect square

Perfect Square Numbers

We know that the square of a number is that number times itself. In other words, the perfect squares are the squares of the whole numbers such as 1 or 12, 4 or ii2, 9 or three2, 16 or iv2, 25 or 52 and then on.

Perfect square numbers

Also, get the perfect square calculator hither.

Perfect Squares from 1 to 100

Below shows the list of perfect squares from ane to 100 along with their factors (product of integers).

Perfect square numbers from 1 to 100
1 = 1 × 1 = 12
4 = ii × 2 = 2ii
9 = 3 × three = threeii
16 = 4 × 4 = 4ii
25 = 5 × v = 5two
36 = 6 × half dozen = six2
49 = 7 × vii = 72
64 = 8 × 8 = 8ii
81 = 9 × 9 = ix2
100 = 10 × 10 = ten2

Perfect Squares List

The perfect squares table is given below in terms of squares of numbers from one to 50.

1 = 1ii 441 = 212 1681 = 412
iv = 22 484 = 222 1764 = 422
9 = three2 529 = 23ii 1849 = 432
sixteen = 4ii 576 = 242 1936 = 44two
25 = v2 625 = 25ii 2025 = 452
36 = sixtwo 676 = 262 2116 = 462
49 = 72 729 = 272 2209 = 472
64 = viii2 784 = 282 2304 = 48two
81 = 9two 841 = 292 2401 = 49ii
100 = ten2 900 = xxx2 2500 = 502
121 = 112 961 = 31ii 2601 = 512
144 = 122 1024 = 32ii 2704 = 52ii
169 = 132 1089 = 33ii 2809 = 53two
196 = fourteen2 1156 = 342 2916 = 542
225 = 152 1225 = 352 3025 = 552
256 = 162 1296 = 362 3136 = 56two
289 = 172 1369 = 372 3249 = 572
324 = 182 1444 = 38two 3364 = 582
361 = 192 1521 = 39ii 3481 = 592
400 = 20ii 1600 = twoscore2 3600 = 60ii

From this nosotros can derive the formula to get the divergence between whatsoever perfect foursquare number and its predecessor. This is given past the equation,

n2 − (northward − ane)2 = 2n − 1

However, information technology is possible to count the number of foursquare numbers using the formula,

nii = (north − i)2 + (due north − 1) + n

Perfect Squares Examples

Perfect foursquare numbers are non only limited to the numerals but also exist in algebraic identities and polynomials. These can exist identified with the help of a factorisation technique.

Algebraic identities as perfect squares:

a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2

a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2

Polynomials as perfect squares:

Let u.s. take the polynomial x2 + 10x + 25.

Now, factorise the polynomial.

x2 + 10x + 25 = ten2 + 5x + 5x + 25

= 10(x + five) + 5(x + 5)

= (x + 5)(x + 5)

= (x + 5)2

Let us take another example:

x2 – 12x + 36 = 10ii – 6x – 6x + 36

= x(x – 6) – half-dozen(ten – six)

= (x – 6)(x – half-dozen)

= (x – 6)2

From the in a higher place examples, nosotros tin say that x2 + 10x + 25 and xtwo – 12x + 36 are chosen perfect foursquare trinomials.

Perfect Squares Nautical chart

Perfect squares chart

How many Perfect Squares between 1 and 100

In that location are eight perfect squares between one and 10 (i.e., excluding i and 10).

They are 4, ix, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81.

However, in that location are ten perfect squares from one to 10. They are 1, iv, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 and 100.

How many Perfect Squares between 1 and 1000

There are xxx perfect squares betwixt 1 and 1000. They are 4, ix, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900 and 961.

Is 216 a perfect square

A number is a perfect square or a foursquare number if its square root is an integer, which means it is an integer's product with itself. As nosotros know, the foursquare root of 216 is approximately equal to xiv.697. Here, the square root of 216 is not an integer. Hence, it is clear that 216 is not a perfect square number.

Is 39 A Perfect Square,


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