
How To Lower Weed Tolerance Without Break

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Reduce Tolerance Without A Pause

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started past 1sttimegrow, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. 1sttimegrow

    1sttimegrow Registered User

    Hi everyone,

    I know there'southward always a lot of talk going around nigh tolerance and taking t-breaks.. but I've also noticed a common occurrence. It seems that people accept a t-break to become their loftier dorsum, simply pretty quickly their tolerance goes right back to what information technology was earlier, because they go back to their former smoking habits. Across that, a lot of people are daily smokers and it's tough to break that daily habit. I just thought I'd share my experience with trying to reduce my own tolerance. I've been a daily, multiple times a day, smoker for probably about 14 years. I took a break once for three weeks and got suuuper baked the starting time fourth dimension. Simply, similar anybody else, it didn't take long before my tolerance was right support to where information technology was before. So recently I read the commodity nigh "smoking less to become high more" and your receptors in the brain and I realized how true it is.. the times I've tried to smoke less, I felt like I was actually getting high on less. But I didn't realize at that place was a scientific reason for this. Information technology now makes a whole lot of sense that ever since I started smoking in the morning time, I wasn't getting high anymore. I was going to quit for a calendar week, just then gave in after i one/2 days.. and couldn't believe information technology when I got college than I'd been in years! Subsequently just a twenty-four hour period and a half! Only even that was difficult because then I just obsessed virtually it all day. So now, I've figured out how to reduce tolerance without quitting.. and and so having your tolerance go right back up. Just gotta accept out the morning smoke! I wasn't getting high in the morning anymore anyway, then it was an easy alter. And at present when I get home at night, and even still sometimes on luncheon breaks, I'm feeling it again! It's taken a month or and then, simply all without taking a t-break.. and since I'm still smoking every mean solar day, my tolerance should stay lower.. every day! I merely can't believe what a deviation it's making only waiting until after work to smoke.. My eyes even get a chip bloodshot once again! Hurrah! All I wanna practise is fume every day and still go high..

  2. CardassianMonk

    I ever had a feeling wake-and-bake tin't be likewise good for tolerance levels. Specifically if you also fume before bed.

    Back when I literally smoked everyday all twenty-four hours (miss em) I would smoke before my first day of work of the week (two) and I noticed I wouldn't get too loftier then... And then I quit smoking the days I worked, and those 1.5 days of non smoking helps with keeping the tolerance merely low enough.

    • Agree Concord x 1
  3. then what exactly can nosotros do to lower our tolerance? you say but fume less per day? idk i read that and dont see what your doing different to brand you college off less. got a link?
  4. Canada x 420

    Not to be "that guy" but yous demand to apply some punctuation if you lot wait people to read it.

    I can't read a wall of text. Make a couple paragraphs.

    • Disagree Disagree 10 1
  5. Smoke one time a twenty-four hours

    Like a bowl or two at night

  6. Bakedmagiii

    Yeah dude,
    the later in the twenty-four hour period your first smoke is, the improve information technology seems to feel.
    Skilful post =]
  7. Russy

    Isnt this obvious ?

    If you wake up and smoke, your never gonna go as high the rest of the mean solar day, Its all about maintaining the high after that.....

    I thought information technology was common noesis that if y'all stay busy all day and not smoke, then puff in the evening you get way more than ripped... still, due to medical weather condition , pain etc , I have to smoke all day every day...

    I say spiral a "T-interruption" merely dont fume all twenty-four hour period , that works wondered for sure !

  8. 1sttimegrow

    1sttimegrow Registered User

    Hither's the link to the article about how our brain receptors close down when we smoke too much.. and so they don't answer to THC anymore.. when you accept a break, they open up up once more then are open to the THC and their effects...

    Marijuana and the Brain, Part II: The Tolerance Factor

    So the trick is to find a style to still smoke every 24-hour interval, simply not plenty to shut downwardly your receptors.

  9. smokeygenie

    smokeygenie Registered User

    sorry no links i jus get off feel, heres a few tips you lot could try if you wanna cutting back, listen you i usually smoke past myself nowadays and its usually some dankkk.

    Ill pack upwardly something small like my onehitter or simply put like .2 into my volcano
    take your time inbetween hits, like during commercial breaks or once you beat out a level in a video game equally a reward

    if im smoking my bong in my room sick take a large hit to get-go off then once im feelin information technology wait a lil scrap till i fancy some other

    dont go on smoking in one case you get to a decent level and when yous come downwardly yous can light up again when your heart desires

    i used to come down afterwards about 15 mins after a smokesesh but now it final wayyyy longer.

    hope this helps.. or at least makes sense to anybody, sad a niggling blazed:smoke:

    • Like Like 10 one
  10. Another style to assure that you become high off of less is to mix-up your smoking habits. Change where you lot smoke, when yous smoke, and with who you fume. Tolerance is largely a result of habits. When you fume in the same place or with the same people every fourth dimension, then your brain begins to associate these things with smoking. And then your body (being the piddling devil that it is) volition elevate you lot "downwardly" in anticipation of the drug, because your body always tries to maintain a level of homeostasis. Therefor, you need to smoke more than to go to the aforementioned level of loftier. This is the aforementioned reason well-nigh heroin and other hard drug overdoses happen not because the user takes more of the drug and so they are used to, merely because they take the same amount they always have but in an unfamiliar location. So attempt smoking in cool new places and with new people, mix up your habits equally much as possible. This is an excellent way to become higher off of less weed.
  11. This. Direct up Psychology 101 shit right in that location guys.
  12. smokeygenie

    smokeygenie Registered User

    hahahaha the mind is a very powerful thing
  13. Paleo Edibles

    Then your body (existence the little devil that it is) volition drag you "down" in anticipation of the drug, because your body ever tries to maintain a level of homeostasis.

    This doesn't make sense, and isn't scientifically valid as a cause of developing tolerance.

    This is the same reason most heroin and other difficult drug overdoses happen not because the user takes more of the drug then they are used to, simply because they take the same amount they ever take but in an unfamiliar location

    Really? Thats why they overdose eh, set and setting?

    It'due south actually your body shutting down receptor sites in the encephalon that are stimulated by the cannabinoids, trying to basically bring yous down and then you can however function.

    This is why, if you want to go rid of tolerance, get high once a day.

  14. smokeygenie

    smokeygenie Registered User

    if you wanna get higher, fume less bud...

    contradiction much?

  15. Paleo Edibles

    It's chosen a paradox.

    And it's true, I've seen studies; THC in low dose is an upper, higher doses it becomes a depressant.

  16. SockGnome

    SockGnome Registered User

  17. ramones4d

    ramones4d Registered User

    it's all about moderation. Y'all really merely accept to get a feel for when your feeling "it"

    I havent smoked in a couple days now and my heed feels clear and ready to go :) I'll probably smoke tomorrow

  18. 1sttimegrow

    1sttimegrow Registered User

    And then I had such high hopes I had cracked the code and figured out how to driblet some tolerance without quitting. Here I am 4 months later and I've finally come to realize I just gotta accept a T-pause. I even made an actress effort over the past few weeks to not fume in the morning and at luncheon and to simply let myself 3 bowls a night. Basically about half a gram a twenty-four hour period. I typically average about a quarter a week, or a gram a 24-hour interval, so I thought this would really brand a difference. NOPE my tolerance is simply way as well high. If I've already smoked, even THC oil doesn't do s*** for me. Cutting back did help a chip, significant at least I could feel a little something again. Just it's not even close to what I was hoping. And then next calendar week I'thou going to try a 1 calendar week t-break. I know it'due south non much, simply I'm hoping it'll make a decent departure. I've come to realize you only tin can't cheat it. And after reading that it's considered a dependence if you continue smoking fifty-fifty when y'all're non getting high, it's articulate to me a week off will exercise me some good one fashion or another. Thankfully, I've been dealing with this long enough that my boyfriend finally believes I'thousand not making it up! He's promised non to give me a hard fourth dimension next calendar week on my break. And honestly that was the hardest part then that'll help too! I was worried most going on a break because my bf and I take smoked together since we met and at first, he seemed to have it equally a personal affront if I didn't smoke. Give thanks goodness he finally gets information technology!
  19. 1sttimegrow

    1sttimegrow Registered User

    And then last week didn't happen. My bf was going away for the weekend and didn't want united states to exist mad fighting all week before he left. I understand, because the withdrawal can be real evil. So now I'm taking a intermission until Friday night. We're taking a trip to encounter family this weekend so we'll see how it goes and if I'm non happy with the results, maybe I'll take the next work calendar week off too. I've tried but cutting back, and I've taken 48 hours off earlier, merely it didn't do much. If I can get to the signal where I can actually get high again, I'1000 going to try to keep my usage low-ish and then I don't blast off into "I feel nothing" again. I didn't smoke much this last weekend, so hopefully this calendar week won't be likewise bad. I bought some natural sleep aids with Valerian Root and Melatonin, so hopefully my slumber won't get besides messed upwards! Wish me luck!

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